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The download is provided as is, with no modifications or changes made on our side. The version of the program you are about to download is 1.0. Each download we provide is subject to periodical scanning, but we strongly recommend you to check the package. Basiccolor Input 6 0 0 Build 2944 Download Free Hr Task Timer 1 2 Download Free Onyx 3 4 2 – Maintenance And Optimization Tool Free Room Arranger 9 0 1 Download Free Jprofiler Key Cisdem Appcrypt 4 6 16 Dm1 The Drum Machine 2 0 1 Sqlpro Studio 1 0 411 0 Squash — Web Image Compression 2 0 4 Uninstallpkg 1 0 25 Download Free. Uninstallpkg 1 0 25 download free. Some Adobe Product installers install fonts into a default system font directory. If the installer finds older versions of these fonts in the default system font directory, it will uninstall the older versions and save them to a new directory.

Next: Using Packages, Up: Packages [Contents][Index]

37.1 Installing and Removing Packages

Assuming a package is available in the file image-1.0.0.tar.gzit can be installed from the Octave prompt with the command

If the package is installed successfully nothing will be printed onthe prompt, but if an error occurred during installation it will bereported. It is possible to install several packages at once bywriting several package files after the pkg install command.If a different version of the package is already installed it willbe removed prior to installing the new package. This makes it easy toupgrade and downgrade the version of a package, but makes itimpossible to have several versions of the same package installed atonce.

To see which packages are installed type

In this case only version 1.0.0 of the image package isinstalled. The '*' character next to the package name shows that theimage package is loaded and ready for use.

It is possible to remove a package from the system using thepkg uninstall command like this

If the package is removed successfully nothing will be printed in theprompt, but if an error occurred it will be reported. It should benoted that the package file used for installation is not needed forremoval, and that only the package name as reported by pkg listshould be used when removing a package. It is possible to removeseveral packages at once by writing several package names after thepkg uninstall command.

To minimize the amount of code duplication between packages it ispossible that one package depends on another one. If a packagedepends on another, it will check if that package is installedduring installation. If it is not, an error will be reported andthe package will not be installed. This behavior can be disabledby passing the -nodeps flag to the pkg installcommand

Since the installed package expects its dependencies to be installedit may not function correctly. Because of this it is not recommendedto disable dependency checking.

[out1, …] =pkg(command, … )

Manage or query packages (groups of add-on functions) for Octave.

Different actions are available depending on the value of commandand on return arguments.

Available commands:


Install named packages. For example,

installs the package found in the file image-1.0.0.tar.gz. Thefile containing the package can be an url, e.g.

installs the package found in the given url. Thisrequires an internet connection and the cURL library.

Security risk: no verification of the package is performedbefore the installation. It has the same security issues as manuallydownloading the package from the given url and installing it.

No support: the GNU Octave community is not responsible forpackages installed from foreign sites. For support or forreporting bugs you need to contact the maintainers of the installedpackage directly (see the DESCRIPTION file of the package)

The option variable can contain options that affect the mannerin which a package is installed. These options can be one or more of


The package manager will disable dependency checking. With this option itis possible to install a package even when it depends on another packagewhich is not installed on the system. Use this option with care.


A local installation (package available only to current user) is forced,even if the user has system privileges.


A global installation (package available to all users) is forced, even ifthe user doesn't normally have system privileges.


Install a package directly from the Octave Forge repository. Thisrequires an internet connection and the cURL library.

Security risk: no verification of the package is performedbefore the installation. There are no signature for packages, orchecksums to confirm the correct file was downloaded. It has thesame security issues as manually downloading the package from theOctave Forge repository and installing it.


The package manager will print the output of all commands asthey are performed.


Check installed Octave Forge packages against repository and update anyoutdated items. This requires an internet connection and the cURL library.Usage:

To update a single package use pkg install -forge


Uninstall named packages. For example,

removes the image package from the system. If another installedpackage depends on the image package an error will be issued.The package can be uninstalled anyway by using the -nodeps option.


Add named packages to the path. After loading a package it ispossible to use the functions provided by the package. For example,

adds the image package to the path.


Remove named packages from the path. After unloading a package it isno longer possible to use the functions provided by the package.


Show the list of currently installed packages. For example,

will produce a short report with the package name, version, and installationdirectory for each installed package. Supply a package name to limitreporting to a particular package. For example:

If a single return argument is requested then pkg returns a cellarray where each element is a structure with information on a singlepackage.

If two output arguments are requested pkg splits the list ofinstalled packages into those which were installed by the current user,and those which were installed by the system administrator.

The '-forge' option lists packages available at the Octave Forgerepository. This requires an internet connection and the cURL library.For example:


Show a short description of installed packages. With the option'-verbose' also list functions provided by the package. Forexample,

will describe all installed packages and the functions they provide.Display can be limited to a set of packages:

If one output is requested a cell of structure containing thedescription and list of functions of each package is returned asoutput rather than printed on screen:

If any of the requested packages is not installed, pkg returns anerror, unless a second output is requested:

flag will take one of the values 'Not installed','Loaded', or'Not loaded' for each of the named packages.


Set the installation prefix directory. For example,

sets the installation prefix to ~/my_octave_packages.Packages will be installed in this directory.

It is possible to get the current installation prefix by requesting anoutput argument. For example:

The location in which to install the architecture dependent files can beindependently specified with an addition argument. For example:


Set the file in which to look for information on locallyinstalled packages. Locally installed packages are those that areavailable only to the current user. For example:

It is possible to get the current value of local_list with the following


Set the file in which to look for information on globallyinstalled packages. Globally installed packages are those that areavailable to all users. For example:

It is possible to get the current value of global_list with the following


Build a binary form of a package or packages. The binary file producedwill itself be an Octave package that can be installed normally withpkg. The form of the command to build a binary package is

where builddir is the name of a directory where the temporaryinstallation will be produced and the binary packages will be found.The options -verbose and -nodeps are respected, whileall other options are ignored.


Rebuild the package database from the installed directories. This canbe used in cases where the package database has been corrupted.

See also:ver, news.

Next: Using Packages, Up: Packages [Contents][Index]

UninstallPKG History:

1.1.9 (03 Nov 2020):

• Improved compatibility with macOS 11 'Big Sur'

• Fixed very rare crashes and problems

1.1.8 (11 Sep 2020):

• IMPORTANT: The minimum system requirements have been raised to macOS 10.14 'Mojave'

• Improved compatibility with new package locations on macOS 11 'Big Sur'

• Fixed problems with purchasing or activating UninstallPKG on macOS 11 'Big Sur'

• Improved compatibility with macOS 10.15 'Catalina'

• Added full support for the 'Dark Mode'

• Properly update package count and size after removing packages

1.1.7 (17 Oct 2019):

• Provide initial compatibility with macOS 10.15 'Catalina'

• Improved security through notarization, hardened runtime and helper-tool authentication

• Fixed erroneous reporting about deleted generated files

• Context-menu to reveal in Finder also works in Uninstall view now

• Fixed display issues related to package size and preferences

1.1.6 (20 May 2019):

• You can now right click on files to reveal then in the Finder when viewing a package

• Fixed problem where packages couldble fail to be removed with permission problems

• Fixed problem where files/folders to remove could show up multiple times

1.1.5 (20 Jan 2018):

• Fixed problems on systems older than 10.13 'High Sierra'

• Add support for uninstalling 'Adobe ARMDC'

• Fixed removal of generated files for apps that have been (re)moved manually

• Fixed rare problem where double-clicking the Uninstall-button could lead to problems

• Spelling fixes

1.1.3 (4 Dec 2017):

• Fixed problems with the auto-update mechanism

• Even more complete translation into Simplified Chinese (thanks to Xiong Wei)

• Improved translation into German

1.1.2 (27 Nov 2017):

• Completed translation into Simplified Chinese (thanks to Xiong Wei)

• Fixed possible crash when malformed packages are installed

1.1.1 (25 Nov 2017):

• Fixed possible crash-on-launch

1.1.0 (23 Nov 2017):

• Added ability to uninstall 'System Packages' without disabling 'System Integrity Protection'

• Re-designed preferences window

• Automatically reload package list when changing ignored installers in the preferences

• Added partial translation to 35 languages

• Fixed possible crash on uninstallation

• Fixed problems with the auto-update mechanism

• Fixed display of license code details in documentaton window

• Fixed too-small icon display in main window on non-10.13 systems

• Protect against moving UninstallPKG while it is running

• Added workarounds for inability to launch when the 'helper tool' has been 'disabled'

1.0.29 (17 Oct 2017):

• IMPORTANT: The minimum system requirements have been raised to macOS 10.10

• Improved compatibility with macOS 'High Sierra' 10.13

• Improved checkout process

1.0.28 (24 Jul 2017):

• Miscellaneous bug fixes

1.0.27 (16 Mar 2017):

• Fixed detection of a disabled 'System Integrity Protection'

1.0.26 (6 Mar 2017):

• Disable removal of system packages in rootless mode which would fail anyway

• Protect more essential system packages from accidental removal

• Refer to native uninstaller when trying to uninstall 'LittleFlocker'

1.0.25 (1 Mar 2017):

• Improved compatibility for 10.11+

1.0.24 (17 Feb 2017):

• Fixed crash when no single package is installed

• Refer to native uninstaller when trying to uninstall 'McAfee' products

• Expanded documentation / FAQ

1.0.23 (18 Nov 2016):

• Updated Documentation links and expanded FAQ

• Improved logging to diagnose XPC errors

• Refer to native uninstaller when trying to uninstall 'BitDefender AntiVirus'

1.0.22 (3 Aug 2016):

• Ensure file lists are sorted again for readability

• Better handling when user manually removes files

1.0.21 (30 May 2016):

• (June 12) Improved logging to diagnose XPC errors

• Improvements regarding failures to (re)install the helper tool

1.0.20 (11 Feb 2016):

• Fixed rare crash during uninstallation

• Update included frameworks for purchase and updating

• Prevent sending superfluous crash reports

• Added information about companion product 'VersionsManager'

1.0.19 (5 Nov 2015):

• Dramatically improved performance of uninstallation

Keyshot pro 9 0. 1.0.18 (16 Oct 2015):

• Further fixes for the 'System Integrity Protection' in El Capitan

• Fixed problem where ignored installers could not be reset to defaults

• Fixed problem where essential packages could be listed as defunct

• Report possible crashes of helper tool and better diagnosis reports

1.0.17 (23 Sep 2015):

• Ensure compatibility with 'System Integrity Protection' (El Capitan)

• Fix problem where files shared with other PKGs would be removed

1.0.16 (03 Sep 2015):

• Fix sorting order to be case insensitive

• Fix update check not to appear during PKG scan

• Silence some harmless warning reports

• More informational error diagnosis reports

• Updated Paddle framework to fix rare crash on deactivation

• Updated Sparkle framework

1.0.15 (16 Jul 2015):

• Made sure you can't uninstall 'nothing'

• Fix termination of wrong processes which could result in a crash

• More informational error diagnosis reports

• Never attempt to remove essential system folders

• Allow continuing after non-fatal errors

1.0.14 (29 Jun 2015):

• Add ability to uninstall folders with icons (e.g. Office 2011)

• Don't remove packages that disappeared since the scan

1.0.13 (17 Jun 2015):

• IMPORTANT: this release overwrites local changes to 'ignored system folders'

• Fix un-installation of Microsoft Office not working

• Fix problem with too many log-files being generated

• Reduced startup-time by 30%

1.0.12 (15 Jun 2015):

• Offer to clear logfile-folder if it grows too much

• Do not terminate UninstallPKG when non-fatal errors occur

• Fixed rare crash

• More informational error diagnosis reports

1.0.11 (15 May 2015):

• Improved reliability by terminating all processes inside PKGs

• Improved reliability by unloading LaunchDaemon/Agents inside PKGs

• More useful error reports

1.0.10 (27 Apr 2015):

• Fixed crash with rare malformed packages

• Made removal of generated files more complete

• Warn if UninstallPKG has been damaged by a faulty unzip app

1.0.9 (20 Mar 2015):

• Fixed crash introduced in previous version when scanning damaged receipts

1.0.8 (6 Mar 2015):

• Added fixes for uninstalling 'CrashPlan'

• Added option to send crash logs back to us

• Improvements to the purchase process

• Include our 'privacy policy' and product promotions

1.0.7 (29 Oct 2014):

• Made many more un-installable packages show up

• Fixed problem with editing ignored system locations

• Added warning when changing setting in an unsafe way

• Show install-process for the packages when holding alt/option

1.0.6 (16 Oct 2014):

• Added compatibility with Mac OS X 'Yosemite' 10.10

• Added some explanations in the user interface

• Fixed problem where system packages would show up by default

Uninstallpkg 1 0 24 download free. full

1.0.5 (7 Apr 2014):

• Allow uninstallation of old packages from pre-10.6 (/Library/Receipts)

Uninstallpkg 1 0 24 download free version

• Allow uninstallation of local user packages (~/Library/Receipts)

• Fixed uninstallation of packages containing locked files (e.g. CrashPlan)

• Fixed problem where settings for removal of additional files would be ignored

• Added more details to the log-files about additional removed files

• Added package BOM size to package 'Content Size'

1.0.3 (17 Feb 2014):

• Fixed rare crash

1.0.2 (17 Feb 2014):

• Increased un-installation safety

• More thorough un-installation of generated files

• Make sure all components of an app are terminated during un-installation

1.0.1 (14 Feb 2014):

• Increased safety by refusing to uninstall essential system packages

• Show progress dialogue for viewing package contents instead of 'freezing'

• Added a log-file (help menu) that stores date & name of each package removal

• Create a log-file (help menu) with details of removed files for package removals

• Added ability to 'de-activate' the license for migration to another Mac

1.0 (4 Dec 2013):

• UninstallPKG can now be bought for 9.99$/€ to perform more than 3 un-installations

• Improved documentation and in-app help

1.0b6 (26 Nov 2013):

• Added automatic update mechanism

• Added option to remove uninstalled applications from Dock

• Added option to remove uninstalled applications from LoginItems

• Added option to remove generated files like preferences

• Added option to make sure uninstalled apps are removed completely

• Quit uninstalled applications

• Improved support for uninstalling applications like TeamViewer

1.0b5 (15 Oct 2013):

• Display size of all packages in megabytes

• Fixed uninstallation of packages with special characters in their name

• Remove uninstalled applications from Dock

• Add ability to show either all packages, packages of apps or just defunct packages

• Show name of affected application before removing a package

• Increase width of the main window

• Fixed problem with the 'remove' buttons in the preferences

• Fixed problems where some files/folders would not be removed

1.0b4 (2 Sep 2013):

Uninstallpkg 1 0 24 Download Free

• Fixed problem where some packages could not be uninstalled

• Added ability to uninstall multiple packages at once

• Increased package scanning speed

1.0b3 (21 Jul 2013):

• Added ability to search/filter the package list

• Improved uninstall dialogue

• Improved reliability for problematic packages

1.0b2 (21 Jun 2013):

Uninstallpkg 1 0 24 Download Free Download

• Improved progress dialogue

• Improved success dialogue

1.0b1 (29 May 2013):

• Initial beta release

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